Benefits of Craniosacral, Deep Tissue, Biodynamic, Hot Stone and Acupuncture Massages
The relaxation benefit aside, there are other benefits you can get from different massage procedures. Knowledge of the benefits per massage type helps you pick the best or most suitable type whenever you feel a certain type of way. In this piece, we will distinctly look at the benefits of massages on a per-massage basis.
This ancient Chinese medicinal massage uses needles to provide benefits to its recipient. Getting an acupuncture massage helps rid your knees of the pain rooted firmly therein which can move upwards to your lower back and shoulder. And if there is any noticeable muscle tightness anywhere in your body, it introduces a loosening effect to that muscle region. Get acupuncture if there are constant pains in areas around your body and if your muscle is experiencing persistent stiffness. Getting an acupuncture massage helps rid your knees of the pain rooted firmly therein which can move upwards to your lower back and shoulder.
Craniosacral Massage Therapy
Say you had an auto accident or experienced physical trauma? Or you were in a war or were almost killed in a riot? Now, you have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and you need it dispelled. Craniosacral massage therapy is the way to go.
This massage fights PTSD, resolves other types of trauma and general tiredness, and also rids the body of migraines and other forms of headaches. Have an experienced chiropractor perform craniosacral massage therapy on you if you just had an auto accident, suffered trauma from physical violence, or if you are an employee in a highly exerting work environment. Craniosacral massage therapy is the way to go.
Deep Tissue Massage
Unlike the other massage types where the benefits are more dominantly surface-layered or surface-layered, this type of massage takes more than a cursory rub on your body by going deep into your muscles and tendons to reach the pains hidden therein.
If you have arthritis or suffer recurrent deep pains in your body, get a deep tissue massage from a chiropractor.
Biodynamic Massage Therapy
Biodynamic massage therapy is less concerned with the physical relief of pain and more focused on pains lodged in the digestive system; it is a form of massage therapy concerned with the effects of stress on the digestive system so its primary focus is the gastrointestinal tract (the GI tract). By touching your skin, muscles, bones, and a couple of other areas, it helps you to properly deal with emotionally stressful scenarios as well as digest the food and drinks you take into your body.
Because they are in or have been in emotionally stressful situations, the biodynamic massage is most suitable for digestive orders and those individuals suffering an emotional imbalance.
Hot Stone Massage
How this massage which utilizes the retained heat in hot stones to work the body helps is that it provides needed heat to your body; this introduced heat which is attained by boiling the stones in hot water helps your muscles to relax and in turn, increases the flow of blood around your body. If your muscles are injured and stiff parts of your body are not getting enough blood, get a stone massage from a chiropractor.
Also, check out some prevalent workplace injuries and how to solve them.